Sunday, May 31, 2009

End of May Ramblings

I know I am becoming a horrible blogger!! I think this makes the second post in May... and no pictures. I am awful! We are all alive and well. I am now 6 months pregnant and dreading the summer. We are all officially out of school for the summer and yet things have not slowed down. We are putting in lots of hours helping Anna Li with her English and school. The first week away from school and she has learned how to spell the numbers one- ten. Next week is days of the week... it will be challenging! She understands almost all conversations but is not able to speak as much as she understands. She has some speech difficulties and gets stuck on words often. It is very frustrating for her but we practice daily and pray she can over come this. We continue to go to therapy once a month and it is very helpful for us all. We are still struggling with attachment and have a lot of set back. We take it one day at a time. She has an appointment with the Eye Foundation in July and we are looking forward to seeing Dr. Cogen. Anna Li has started a journal and spends time each day writing her thoughts down. I hope this will help her healing processes and at the same time give her some practice in writing English. She is learning small task around the house such as washing dishes, help with cooking, and sweeping. She loves the cooking part but gives me a hard time when it comes to the chores part:) She won a $50 Wal-Mart gift card from her school and so we went on a shopping spree. She bought several outfits, a paint set, the baby an outfit (how sweet of her), and some popcorn chicken from the deli:) She had lots of fun and did all the adding in her head to see how much she had left to spend. I think in the end she had about .94 left on the card. As for Bethany, she has finished the 4th grade. She is taking a gardening class with the local 4H club this summer as well as a cooking class. Colin has finished 3 year preschool and is happy as can be... as long as his buddy Luke is around to play.

Continue to remember us in prayer as we search for the right things that well help Anna Li grow into the girl she needs to be. Pray the school will understand her situation and treat it the way it should be. She will continue to be in the care of a lot of specialist as we try to understand the depth of her disabilities. Pray the Lord will guide us in the decisions we have to make regarding her health and education. Most importantly pray for Anna Li. If you see her you will see a huge smile and so many people think she is the happiest girl on earth but what they do not realize is that smile is covering a lot of pain. She struggles with stress, anxiety, and depression every minute of the day and the only way she knows how to deal with it is smile.

Lastly, I want to remind everyone that although Anna Li is a very loving and lovable child, extra attention such as hugs, gifts, and praise from others than her mom and dad create confusion, stress, and anxiety for Anna Li. We have so many that do not understand this, will not understand this, and refuse to cooperate with us. The easiest way for me to explain is: Anna Li has no concept of what a mother, a father, a grandparent, a friend, teacher, or stranger is. A hug from mom means nothing when everyone she meets gives her hugs. In her head that is just as common as a handshake. Anna Li is incapable of telling the difference in strangers and friend, good person and bad... and this can be scary! In order for her to develop healthy attachments she needs to be able to attach to her parents and for the first time in her life discover what LOVE is. She has been home 10 months and she does not know. To her love is someone that gives you a gift, or a hug, or is nice to you. If you hug her (in her mind) she loves you AND if you punish her for doing wrong then (in her mind) she no longer loves you. We try to tell her, the therapist tries to tell her, but it just doesn't seem to click in her head. I guess this is what happens when NO ONE ever hugs you, kisses you, or shows you love the first 12 years of your life. It is detrimental to her future and her well being to learn to attach in a healthy way. So, NO we are not being mean, and YES Anna Li understands this process. She knows she is not suppose to hug but everywhere she goes people are handing them out (with good intentions) like candy and she doesn't know how to deal with this. So, please, please, please... when we are out and about and you see Anna Li... a simple "Hi Anna Li" will do... then feel free to talk to the rest of us. Anna Li needs lots of attention and love right now but only from her parents. As she grows these strong bonds things will change and she can slowly reach out to others. Thanks for your understanding:)

The Grays

PS-- I am too tired to go back and proof read this so I hope it all makes sense. If you have kept up with me long enough you should be use to my ramblings:)


Dianna and Steve said...

From another CHI family we understand exactly what you mean! Our daughter was 5 ( a lot younger), but had a hard time with strangers, friends, teachers, and extended family as well. Everywhere we went to the other kids soccer games, and activities, she would attach to ANYONE who gave her any attention and would not want me. It was sooooo frustrating!!!! She would sit on their lap, hug them and tell EVERYONE she loved them! We came home last April and she started school in August of last year and cried every Fri. because she missed her teacher and wanted to live with her for the weekend!! That was so upsetting for us!! When I would pick her up from school she wouldn't let go of the teachers hand to come to me. It was so hurtful and at times embaressing in front of people who don't understand. She understood English very well right away, and we finally had to tell her you do not hug and kiss all these people only your family, mom, dad, brothers, and sister. And you do not say I Love you to anyone but us, etc. It took a while but she finally realized the whole who is who and where they all fit in thing. She was a lot younger then Ana Li so maybe that made it easier. Gillian was in the orphanage, and then 2 different foster care homes. She was so attached to the 1st one, but did not like the 2nd "China Mama".
Good luck to you all!

Project Ni Hao said...

You made complete sense - at least to me. So much of the grieving and the attachment process is two steps ahead, one step back. Ten months in is a very small chunk of time compared to the length of time Anna Li was without a permanent home and family. I just last night blogged about ZZ going through a grief cycle, and if he is still finding difficulty in processing his feelings at the age of 4, I can only imagine how difficult this can be for your daughter.

Sending lots of good, healing thoughts your way, and especially to Anna Li.

Russ and Lisa W. said...

I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers. I know this has to be hard on all of you.

Love Ya, LIsa

The Woodalls said...

Anna Li has come a long way already. The attachment component has got to be the most difficult part right now and I will continue to pray for her and your family. I am totally with you with the overwhelming needs of these special girls from day-to-day. I feel like I have to do everything at once for Rebecca. I need to lean on God more and not rely so much on myself! Thank you for your post.

Lori at JOY Unspeakable said...

Very well said Kristy!! I think for those who have not been educated in-depth about attachment just have a really hard time grasping it. Telling others NOT to give affection to Anna Li seems so backwards but you are right on target in what you are saying. It needs to come only from you and Chad right now.

I really hope and pray that those around you understand that the BEST thing they can do for sweet Anna Li is graciously back off and find other ways to show their love.

Thanks for the Aldi tip! We do have several in our area...I don't go near as often as I should though!

Heather BT said...

I so understand your feelings, Calli has had some affection, which is a bonus, but didn't even want to take it from us. We started with a bonk means hugs thing (as she runs into us as she can't see) and this has turned into a way fro her to ask for affection and now she will bump into us on purpose and announce 'Bonk'!
With Acer, we co-slept for six months, but that's (unfortunately) harder to do with an older child, even though I think it would help a lot.
I am always glad when I see her coming looking for me and wanting to hold my hand.
There's a good attachment site named a forever family dot com (might have a 4 not a for) but I found it by googling attachment.
Prayers my blog buddy

goodiego said...

Our DD is also from Xining. We have a few photos of her and Anna Li together in the orphanage.
We also struggle with attachment and grieving issues. Along with taking our DD to an attachment therapist, I have found great support and a lot of information in the
Attach-China yahoo group. Please check it out. Folks there just "get it" and really support each other.
Gina, co-moderator Xining-Families yahoo group

Kathy said...

When we adopted Jaden one of the mom's in our group sent us an article that was titled Why
Grandma Can't Hold The Baby. The article shared
on the importance of the baby bonding with mommy and written in a way you could just
hand it to grandma or others to read. Jaden
was only 19 months.
I had my problems with well meaning friends.
I even had one friend who was sitting playing
with her telling me how she was bonding with
her. She was becoming the center of attention
to everyone all the time. She was my cling on immediately in China. But daddy had to wait
about 6 months before she would have anything
to do with him. I had to pull away from everyone
even going to church. I basically cocooned her
in for a while. I realize a few people didn't
understand. But it was what was best for our
daughter. I agree with Lori completely it is hard
for those who haven't been educated in
attachment issues to understand.
You all are inmy prayers.

Jean said...

I'm a bit late reading this- I just posted a similar situation on our blog and was sent here by Lori. I so agree and so understand what you are saying. It is exhausting- and bless your heart your are 6 plus months pregnant. I will pray for Anna Li and for you. Thank you so much for sharing this it is so helpful to know we are not alone in this journey.

BTW if I can ever get around to it again I really want to join the yahoo group. I really need the wisdom and help of others!
Blessings to you,

Vive...rie...ama said...

Hello from another CHI family (I remember Anna Li but I can't remember if she was waiting in Oct with Tonito?:). I have experienced this as well- it is such a hard situation! You are handling it so well, if only everyone else would cooperate. It sounds like Anna Li is in the right family, surrounded by loving family, even though it is so challenging for extended family and friends to not show this love. Congratulations on your pregnancy- I'll be thinking of you during this hot summer! My Maya was born at the end of August and we went to the pool almost every day for me to cool off.

Sharon and Michael said...

I hear you!! We adopted a 6 year old. And something I've heard has come to be known as true. It has taken her as many years as she was in China to "get it" about us and family and loving. It's hard! Best wishes as you plow through this phase.