Friday, August 14, 2009

Finger Painting

I can't believe I am about to post a picture of my big fat Buddha belly for the world to see
But.... my kids had so much fun
And... they are all so darn cute...
here goes nothing:)


Hope for Lucy said...

Beautiful. Just look at the smiles on those babies. The are so excited about little brother.

Project Ni Hao said...

And THAT is a very cool - and lovely - picture!

Jean said...

Okay-I'm sorry I'm laughing!

Yes- by the looks of your belly, it does look like they had a great time!

I do love HS Sarah- not quite sure how I will do it when the others join us- we'll figure it out as we go along!

I did HOP K and BOB books with Sarah- it worked great! Now we will move onto HOP 1. It is so awesome to see their progress- sometimes it's slow but it is still great!

I am so excited for baby Dylan- plus I love that name!
I would love a little boy BUT I think I may need to wait for grandchildren!


Lori at JOY Unspeakable said...

Bahaha! I love it! And you look absolutely beautiful!!