Thursday, September 4, 2008

1 Month Home

Just a post to let everyone know we are alive and well:) I have misplaced the piece of equipment that lets me put my pictures on the computer. Maybe I will find it this weekend and post some pictures.

Anna Li is doing great. She started school last week and loves it!! She is in the sixth grade and will soon be tested so that she can receive special education services. There are several girls in her 6th grade class that also goes to church with us. She has lots of friends:)

The girls started choir and GA's (girls in action) last night and had a wonderful time. Anna Li likes to sing and does a good job picking up words as she sings. I thought this might help her with her English. When we walked into the church 5-6 girls all started waving at Anna Li. She quickly forgot about mom and went with her friends.

The girls also went skating with a group of girls from Northbrook last Wednesday. It was reported that Anna Li said, "Will you skate with me?" in ENGLISH!! Wow!!

Anna Li is learning at a very slow pace. Chad communicates with her the most through what little Mandarin he knows and with the help of the Internet and our handy Chinese Dictionary. She has learned how to spell at, cat, hat, and sat. She knows most of her colors but, still struggles with a few. She can count to 20 with a little help. She always forgets 11, 12, and 20. She is good at adding and subtracting but starts to feel overwhelmed when doing double digits that require borrowing. We practice everyday and she is learning more and more English words. Some words she learns on the first try and other word she just can't remember!

We are so proud of her for all that she has accomplished! She is such a sweet girl! I can honestly say having her in our lives has made us better people. She has taught us more in one month than we could ever teach her in a lifetime. To wake up to her smiling face each day is a reminder of God's wonderful blessings.


Russ and Lisa W. said...

Wow!!! How exciting! We can't wait to see you at the Harvest Moon!!

Love, Lisa

Tina said...

so glad things are going well. Hope to see you at the moon festival.

Sonya said...


When can we meet you guys? If the Decatur FCC has a gathering will you try to come?

Sharon said...

Glad all is well. Your daughter is beautiful!