Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Medical Update

This week has been full of doctor's appointments, dentist appointments, and we still have a meeting at the school to go.

Monday we visited Dr. Cogen at the Eye Foundation in Birmingham. We found that Anna Li has very little vision in her right eye and will be corrected to 20/100- 20/200 with glasses. Her left eye has a myopic astigmatism but with glasses it should be corrected to 20/20. As time passes her right eye will start to stray due to her left eye being stronger. When this happens she will have to have surgery but that will hopefully be a long time from now:) Anna Li was so excited to get her glasses. Her face looked like a child's on Christmas morning. It was precious!

Tuesday we went to our family dentist, Dr. Adams, for her second visit to have her teeth filled. He filled 5 cavities bringing the total to around 10 and we have one more visit to go. She does a very good job but bless her heart she hates going. We have decided to put off getting braces until the summer.

Wednesday we went to UAB at 10:00 to have a hearing test. She passed with flying colors! At 11:00 we went to the International Adoption Clinic. We seen Dr. Richards and she gave us the results to all of Anna Li's blood work. Everything came back great! Next she seen Leigh Anne Harrington who is a family therapist for adoption. We had an interpreter to help with the language barrier. She thought Anna Li was doing wonderful and adjusting well. Last we saw the Occupational Therapist. She finished giving Anna Li her IQ test. We felt like we got the short end of the stick because the lady that started the test 3 weeks ago quit and the lady that finished the test didn't seem too knowledgeable about the test. So, we were told what we already knew. She is on the level of a 1st to 3rd grader. Good news is everyone seems to think she will eventually catch up and do fine. Last appointment of the day was at Birmingham Pediatrics to see Dr. Hale. Colin had his well visit and had to get 3 shots, Bethany and Anna Li got the flu mist (instead of the shot), and Anna Li got a TB skin test.

After all of that, we took Anna Li to an Asian Market that our translator told us about. We bought her $60 worth of food!! In the back of the market they had a little restaurant with real authentic Chinese food!! It felt like we walked back into China. (I will let you decide if that is a god thing or not!!) We let Anna Li pick something off the menu for her dinner. She chose some meal with shrimp in it and a big bowl of rice. She told the people that worked there that we were buying her too much. I hope she didn't think she was going to eat it all in one day:)

Friday we will have our meeting with the school to discuss Anna Li's IEP. It has been a very busy week!!! Looking forward to the weekend:)


RamblingMother said...

she is beautiful in her glasses!

The Woodalls said...

Lovely glasses! She looks radiant! :)
If you ever need to vent about all the doctors' visits and IEP junk and all that jazz, just holler! Sounds like you've got great news so far (or at least haven't had any major surprises)! That's always a plus!!


Russ and Lisa W. said...

She looks beautiful in her glasses!! Wow just reading about all the Dr. visitis made me feel like I went with you! lol Glad everything is going okay. Has AnnaLi got to talk to Min any? Have you have a Great Weekend!!

Love, Lisa & Russ

Mom 2 Four said...

She is so pretty, I am glad things are going well for you guys, miss you. Christe

Denna said...

She is beautiful in her glasses. To me things seem to be going very well. You was busy with all those appointments. I know that makes you all tired.
Hopefully we will get to meet you all one day when the Decatur group gets together.