Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!!!

Today the kids (including Chad) got to dress up for school. Bethany got most original for dressing up like her self..ha ha! Anna Li goes to a "sugar free" school but today they lift the band for a day full of Halloween CANDY!!!

Ok, I didn't mean to put this in sideways but I am not redoing it... no way! Here is a few of our pictures from our Halloween night:)


danacroy said...

The kids look great and I love the Super Girl costume. Happy All Saints Day today. You've been tagged. Check out my blog!

Vicki said...

Hey Kristy and Crew.
I'm out here reading and checking in. Sorry to not post more. Ugh. You are soooo good at this blogging thing. I love staying up on your news. Ya'll are a precious family.
Thanks for checking in on us every now and then.
Hugs to all,
Vicki and Emily