Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th!!

One word to describe my day..... EXHAUSTING!! I guess that is expected from a 7 month pregnant lady on a hot summer day:)
We did not have our usual 4th of July Celebration at the Kickers. This pregnancy is draining every inch of life out of me so we decided to just stay at home this year and take it easy... yea right! The kids were dying to play our traditional 4th of July games so we made our own version of the Kicker Celebration. We had a water balloon toss (followed by a water balloon fight), the egg toss, and of course (Bethany's favorite) BINGO!
Chad and Anna Li won the water balloon toss. Bethany was giving them their prize!! Followed by a water balloon fight. Colin wanted his picture made with a water balloon. He had no idea everyone was standing behind him ready to attack:) Chad and Colin won the egg toss and Bethany and Anna Li dominated the BINGO games. Keeping with tradition.... I didn't win anything:)
After our games Chad took the kids swimming and left me at home to rest.... only I didn't rest. I cleaned the bathroom, washed some clothes, changed the sheets on the bed..... and then took a quick nap before they came home.

We had a little cookout tonight, shot a little fireworks for the kids, and ended the day with movies, brownies, and homemade ice cream.

Here are some pics from our BIG fireworks show:)

Brace yourselves for the big finale.......

Not to bad for a grand total of $31.00:)



Brownie Troop 157 said...

Sounds like a great time to me! Happy 4th!

Jean said...

It looks like a fun 4th of July!! That's the kind I like best the low key celebrations!!
Love your pics!!