Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Last Day in Guangzhou!!

Saying goodbye to our new friend Jordan from Jordan's gift shop. If your going to Guangzhou you have to stop and visit Jordan!! It's a must!

Today we took our oath and received Anna Li's Visa. We will be getting up at 4am, carrying luggage down at 5am, off to the air port at 5:30am, and hopefully our flight will take off at 8:20am. The weather has not been so good the past few days. There was a typhoon in Hong Kong and we are feeling its wrath. I hope our flight does not get delayed:) I am so ready to come home. Please keep us in your prayers. Pray for good weather and a safe flight. Pray we don't get bumped off any flights. Our "wonderful" travel agent got us check-in only seats all the way back home:)
Colin, 1.5 more nights without mommy. I can't wait to see you and give you a big hug!!! I love you!!!


Scott said...

It was great to meet you all and share time together in this blessed event. We wish you safe travels home!

Keep in touch!

Scott, Jean, Nate, Drew, and Lilymei

Buffi Young said...

so excited you guys are coming home!!! Have a safe flight!!! We can't wait to meet miss Anna Li in September!!!!
Bless you guys!

Sonya said...

WELCOME HOME!!!!!!!!!!!

Can't wait to meet you all in person soon!
