Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Picture Day and Farewell Dinner

Today was picture day. We gathered all the children adopted in our group to sit on the red couch for their picture. It was fun and adorable but you will have to wait until we are home to see them:) Mom, Dad, and the girls at the White Swan Hotel
We had our farewell dinner tonight at a Cantonese Restaurant. SURPRISE!!! It was very good!! We had a very good dinner and company:)
ONE MORE DAY!!!!!!!!!
We will be leaving very early Thursday morning (which will be your Wednesday night) heading to AMERICA!! Colin... Mama's coming home!!!!!! Keep us in your prayers.

The Gray's


Buffi Young said...

Whoo Hoo!! So excited for you guys. Can you believe it's almost OVER?!?! It flies, doesn't it? We are still praying for you guys. Thanks for keeping us posted!!! Have a very safe flight home!!!

Hope for Lucy said...

What beautiful pictures. I know you are so ready to come home and see your baby boy. We are praying for safe travels.
Green Party of 5ive

The Woodalls said...

The pink crocs go perfectly with Bethany's traditional Chinese dress! ;)
We'll be praying for an uneventful trip home. I'm sure it will be a bittersweet farewell for Anna Li too.


Denna said...

Sweet Pictures. I have enjoyed following your journey. I pray for a safe trip home.